Pest birds are more than visually unappealing droppings; they create dangerous environments. Studies show that more than 60 diseases can be transferred from birds to human beings
It used to be that bird infestations were frustrating simply because they forced facility and building managers to waste money cleaning up bird faces from their buildings due to it being visually unappealing, and the fact that bird droppings are acidic and erode metal and stonework causing structural damage.
Birds do not just leave behind visually unappealing droppings; they create dangerous environments. Studies show that more than 60 diseases can be transferred from birds to human beings, sometimes with fatal results. The build-up of bird droppings also opens up the potential for slip-and-fall lawsuits, not to mention increases the risk of employees becoming sick.
Birds nesting around building ventilation, air conditioning and guttering will also cause them to clog and work ineffectively, with an end result of costly damage and over time expose people to a variety of viral diseases, bacteria and viruses.
To put it simply, birds and bird droppings are a health hazard to the working environment, not to mention the costly structural damage they can cause to buildings.
Birds are a perfect mechanism for spreading disease because they travel great distances, harbor over forty types of parasites and can host internally over sixty types of infectious diseases that can affect you, your family and pets
Fortunately, human interaction with most bird species is minimal, thus drastically reducing any health threat from most birds. However a few bird species have successfully adapted to our urban environment. The pigeon, starling and sparrow have learned to thrive living in our buildings and eating our food. Their adaptation to our communities has brought them into close proximity to humans. These three non-native birds have become a major nuisance in our cities and they pose a serious health risk.
Histoplasmosis – A respiratory disease similar to pneumonia can affect humans when the feces are disturbed, the spores from the feces become airborne, and can result in the inhalation of these spores which can lead to this illness.
Cryptococcosis – is yeast found in the digestive tract of Pigeons and Starlings. It is found mainly in long term established roosting sites. In humans it affects the lungs and nervous system. Since attics, cupolas, ledges, schools, offices, warehouses, mills, barns, park buildings, signs, etc. are typical roosting and nesting sites, the fungus is apt to found in these areas
Psittacosis – This can be contracted from birds again usually due to the inhalation of dry droppings being disturbed. This causes fever, chills, headaches and cough leading to inflammation of the heart, liver and nervous systems.
Salmonellosis – often occurs as “food poisoning” and can be traced to pigeons, starlings and sparrows. The disease bacteria is found in bird droppings, and dust from droppings can be sucked through ventilators and air conditioners, contaminating food and cooking surfaces in restaurants, homes and food processing plants.
Chlamydiosis – Active roosts present this risk and it is widespread in Pigeon populations and some seabirds may also be carriers. Infection can occur through inhalation of droppings, feather dust or other secretions of infected birds.
Installing bird prevention systems such as bird netting, bird spikes or flex track bird shock systems can stop birds from becoming a nuisance in your building, at your workplace and significantly reduce the risk of exposure to diseases and potential law suits.
For more information on ways you can reduce your risk and stop diseases associated with bird call us on 1300 920 882 to speak with one of secialist bird control experts.