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Pest Control For Your Home

Have a pest problem that you need dealt with?
Our professionals can assist you with pest prevention and eradication.

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Protecting your home from pests is a process, not a one time event. Our highly trained technicians and award winning pest control service will keep even the most stubborn pests at bay. Our equipment and products are ultra-modern and effective, as well as being safe for your family, pets and the environment.

When you call Competitive Pest Control Services, not only are you protecting your home and family from pests, you’re also ensuring they’re safe from nasty chemicals.

Australia is renowned for being home to some of the deadliest pests in the world. From poisonous snakes to massive spiders with the capacity to make even the manliest man shriek, you’d be hard-pressed to find an Australian property that doesn’t host a least a couple of creepy critters.

The good news though is that contrary to popular belief, most of these animals and insects aren’t out to get you. And based on our experience, the majority of the pests we find inside clients’ homes are relatively harmless. If you want to know whether your pest problem poses an actual threat though, Competitive Pest Services is your best bet.

Read on to learn more about Australia’s most common pests or call us today if you require assistance with any of these creatures.

Crawling Insects & Pests


Foraging worker ants cause a nuisance as they travel widely in search of food, following well-defined trails and clustering around the food source. They are attracted to sweet or fatty substances in kitchens, pantries, storerooms and warehouses. In hospitals they have been found feeding on septic dressings, soiled linen and excrement. They are obviously an unpleasant sight in food areas and may damage or taint food intended for human consumption.

Ants are the most prolific and successful group of insects. Their nests can be found almost anywhere and often only with the help of expert pest control technicians.

Read more about common Australian ants.

Bed Bugs

Bed Bug infestations are notoriously difficult to beat, without the careful inspection and treatment by a professional pest control technician, followed by a thorough, comprehensive treatment of all infested and adjoining areas.

Infestations are often detected by the welts and irritation caused by the bites, and the fecal smears and blood spots visible on pillowcases, sheets and mattresses. Typical hiding places are in the tufts, folds and seams of mattresses, and cracks in the box springs and bed frame. Heavier infestations often spread to behind baseboards, window and door casings, pictures, electrical switch plates, loose wallpaper, and in furniture upholstery and the pleats of drapes.

If you suspect you have a bed bug problem, please call us today.

Read more about bed bugs.


Cockroaches generally don’t like light and if found in the home will be more common at night, usually darting away when you enter the room. If a large infestation is in the home, there is often a distinct odour. Droppings and vomit marks are normally visible on cupboards and hinges inside cupboards and drawers. The Australian cockroach is a very good flyer but mostly during warmer weather and prefers warmer climates, however it can survive indoors during colder weather as long as water is available, so warm, moist conditions are ideal.

They’re prolific breeders and if you see the signs, a thorough pest treatment needs to be done before the problem gets worse.

Common cockroaches found in Australian homes

Read more about common cockroaches.


Fleas are an annoying insect that feed on the blood from animals including humans in their adult form. There are over 70 species in Australia but the most common are the cat and dog fleas. Most of their life cycle actually occurs off the pet, and they can lie dormant in their cocoons for several months waiting for any vibrations that may stir them into activity. It’s a common misperception that grass fleas or sand fleas are a different species. These fleas are just fleas that have been deposited onto the ground by the pet. If there are five on your pet there are usually many more out in the yard.

The adult flea can survive for over four months without a single blood feed and successful eradication often involves a treatment by a qualified pest technician.

Read more about fleas.


Silverfish have a long slender body, flattened and normally 13-25mm, giving them a fish like appearance. They completely lack wings and have two antennae which move side to side like a fish, cannot climb smooth surfaces and are nocturnal. They can typically live for two to four years, prefering warmer temperatures and will die in heat over 40 degrees.

When indoors they can be found in roof and wall cavities, subfloors and in cupboards. They will eat foods like rolled oats, sugar, synthetic fibres. They can go for long periods of time without food, and signs of feeding are not obvious. They are fast and agile insects and this sometimes contributes to their downfall, as they often become trapped in bathtubs.

Read more about Silverfish.


The formidable appearance and size of spiders makes them the most feared of all the creepy crawlies. However most spiders are harmless and avoid people. Among the most common found in Australia are the:
- Red Back
- Black House Spider
- Huntsman
- Funnel Web
- White Tail
- Daddy Long Legs.

You can read about each of these in more detail here to help identify them.

Read more about common Australian spiders


Ticks are common in many parts of Australia and can even be found around the garden.
They have mouthpiece like a beak and a body the shape of a pear, ranging is size from 1.2mm as larvae to 4mm as adults. Due to their small size they can be difficult to see until engorged by blood feeding.

They require a host to feed, which can often mean the family dog or cat. Ticks usually do not climb higher than around 50cm in the vegetation and there is no evidence to suggest that they fall out of trees. If you live in a Tick prone area, keeping the garden free of dead vegetation and the lawn mown short will reduce the likelihood of an infestation, with regular professional pest control treatments.

Read more about the dangers of ticks.

Pantry Pests

Pantry moths, such as the Indian meal moth are attracted to foodstuff as a place to lay eggs and feed, including dry goods, grains, nuts, flours, spices, and chocolate. The extent of moth damage depends on the degree of infestation. A large population in the house can be quite costly, where large amounts of food may need to be thrown away due to contamination from pantry moth webbing, cocoons, and droppings.

Often the first signs of pantry moths are too late to avoid contamination. Regular inspections and baits are an effective method of prevention.

Carpet Beetles

Found in forests, residential gardens and throughout urban areas, the carpet beetle is known to invade homes in all areas throughout Sydney. As you might have already guessed, they’re one of the main culprits when it comes to damaged carpets. However, they also devastate rugs and feed on proteins found in hair, animal skin and feathers in addition to pollen.

The beetles themselves spend most of their time outside but will move inside when it comes time to lay their eggs, which are white and translucent which means it takes an expert to spot them. Adults, on the other hand, are easier to locate, even though they’re generally smaller than half a centimetre.

Signs that you may have a carpet beetle problem on your hand include damaged carpets or rugs with husks of the moulting larvae found nearby. Note that as opposed to clothes moths, carpet beetles prefer dark or sheltered areas, so moving furniture may be necessary in order to identify the areas they’re doing the most damage.

Read more about Carpet Beetles







Talk to us about protecting your home from pests

Local team, expert knowledge

We live where we work, and we pride ourselves on old-fashioned service. Our friendly technicians will arrive on time, in time, every time. work efficiently and won’t leave a mess.

With 25 years experience in residential pest control in Sydney, providing ant,cockroach, rat, spider, bedbug control and removal and much more. We really understand pests around the home and yard. We know where to look to find even the sneakiest pests making a home in your home, and we know the safest, most effective methods to send them packing.









Safe for families and pets

We work with the latest in safe pest control technologies and treatments, keeping your family and pets safe. Our professionally trained technicians use targeted solutions at the source of the problem to keep bugs out and keep your home a place for healthy living.

Our ISO1401 certification for environmental impact management and HACCP food safety certification means you can trust Competitive Pest Control Services care about the safety and protection of your home.


All our treatments are environmentally friendly, because we love the Earth as much as you do. Our expertise enables us to keep chemical application to a minimum to keep the pests away, and we’re 100% carbon neutral.

Safe for kids & pets

Our technicians use only the safest, environmentally friendly treatments available in and around your home, to keep pests at bay giving you peace of mind as the kids continue to play in a safe and healthy environment.

Safe Pest Control

There’s more to effective pest control than chemicals. We target our applications to the source of the problem from enhanced inspections to exclusion methods followed by protection.

highly trained Professional technicians

highly trained Professional technicians

With 25 years in business you know we take pest control seriously. And that means training our technicians in the latest technologies and methods, continuously evaluating our solutions, performance and customer satisfaction. All Competitive Pest Services technicians undergo our professional training for pest control and customer service. Not only are they good. They’re friendly and neat.

Our team of professionals are trained in:

ENHANCED INSPECTION METHODS, for residential properties and yards.

EXCLUSION TECHNIQUES, to block the passages even the smallest of pests use to find their way into your home and property.

EXPERT PROTECTION, to effectively eradicate the pests already in your home.



With Competitive Pest Control Services you’ll never have to worry about paying for a job that hasn’t been done.

If you’re not satisfied with our services, we’ll not only give you your money back, we’ll return it to you twofold. That’s right: you’ll not only receive a full refund, we’ll also pay to have your pest problem sorted by our competition.*

We’re always trying to raise the standard of service, it’s one of the reasons we were name Australian Pest Manager of the Year four times in the past six years. When you employ our services, you know your pest problem will soon be a distant memory. What could be more satisfying than that?

*Please contact us to hear more about our 200% Money Back Guarantee - as due to issues sometimes outside our control, not all services may be covered by this offer.


Talk to us about protecting your home from pests