Feral pigeons are the number one urban pest bird, creating a mess and causing damage where they roost, creating a need for pigeon control.
Pigeons are descendants of domesticated European homing pigeons, so they have a varied diet and feel at ease making their homes in man-made structures.
Pigeons generally nest in small, flat areas away from the ground such as building ledges, air conditioning units or window sills. Occasionally pigeons may even lay eggs directly on a protected ledge.
Damage caused by Pigeons
Pigeon control is important due to the damage and disease problems these problem birds often create. The uric acid in pigeon feces is highly corrosive and can cause extensive damage to metals and other substrates it sits on for long periods. Debris from flocks of problem pigeons often build up, backing up gutters and drains which can cause flooding and roof damage.
Nesting materials and other debris has caused failures in machinery, especially rooftop air conditioning units which are a prime nesting spot for pigeons. Other frequent pigeon problems include slip and fall liability from feces or debris, plus an unclean, dirty company image. The bacteria, fungal agents and ectoparasites found in pigeon droppings are responsible for a host of serious diseases, including histoplasmosis, encephalitis, salmonella, meningitis, toxoplasmosis and more. Many companies also retain significant clean up costs due to the pigeon problems they don’t resolve.
Pigeons are not migratory. Their natural instinct is to stay near their birth site. This trait gives the pigeon a very determined personality when it comes to roosting at a particular site, much to the dismay of the inexperienced pest control technician. The daily cycle of a Pigeon is to roost at night, feed in the morning and loaf in the afternoon. The seasonal cycle is as follows; courtship in the early winter, nest building in late winter and breeding in the spring. However, in warm climates, breeding will occur year round. Pigeons molt once a year in late summer.
Pigeon Control
The best product to eradicate pigeons from nesting and roosting is the installation of Bird Netting. Bird net is extremely durable and creates a true barrier against problem pigeons “homing” to their natural instinct to stay near their birth site. Pigeon netting completely controls all pigeon problems, forcing the problem pigeons to look elsewhere for a nesting or roosting site.
In addition to bird net, another effective pigeon control products is the Bird Shock Flex Track system. The harmless shock typically modifies all roosting behavior.
For pigeon problem areas where the birds are not nesting, pigeon control ledge type products such as low-profile Post & Wire and Bird Spikes are very effective. These pigeon control products work best where pigeons are only casually roosting not nesting overnight or in a protected area.
Pigeon Traps are also an effective pigeon control method for lowering the pigeon population and removing birds from buildings, warehouses and rooftops. However, trapping or other kinds of flock dispersal products are ineffective in situations where these pest pigeons are nesting, or if there are food or water sources present.