Bird waste is a common problem often seen on the sides and roofs of buildings or in important traffic areas, such as office entrances and pathways. Bird waste is both unpleasant and odorous.
Bird waste is a common problem often seen on the sides and roofs of buildings or in important traffic areas, such as office entrances and pathways. Bird waste is both unpleasant and odorous.
Facility and Building Managers are forced to waste money cleaning up bird faces from their buildings due to it being visually unappealing, having a negative impact on a client’s brand and reputation, and the fact that bird droppings are acidic and erode metal and stonework causing structural damage.
The accumulation of nesting materials and droppings can cause water damage by blocking gutters and downspouts. The financial implications of loss of business, damage to buildings and health and safety prosecution risk can be considerable and is often the trigger for bird management solutions
To put it simply, birds and bird droppings do not just leave behind visually unappealing droppings that costs money to clean. They also cause costly structural damage to buildings, and pose a serious health risk if their mess is not prevented or cleaned.
Install bird netting to underneath awnings, bird spikes or bird shock flex track to building eaves and window perches. These are the most effective solutions to prevent birds from nesting in unwanted areas and ensuring unwanted bird droppings are kept away from your building. Talk to our team to reduce your ongoing maintenance costs associated with damage and cleaning to buildings caused by bird droppings and nests.