An important message from CPS regarding COVID-19
We here at Competitive Pest Services believe that the distribution of information is vital in halting the spread of COVID-19.
To ensure you have everything you need to make sensible, informed decisions, please refer the following article. In it is all you need to know about this global pandemic plus practical tips on how to stay healthy and happy in a lockdown situation.
What is COVID-19?
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), coronaviruses are a family of viruses that includes the common cold and SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome).
These viruses account for up to 30% of common colds and are easily spread from person to person. The reason why they are called coronaviruses is due to the fact that corona means ‘crown’ and that these viruses appear crown-shaped when looked at under an electron microscope.
The COVID-19 virus is a novel coronavirus that had never been recorded in humans until now. It is also a zoonotic virus, which means it is a virus that jumped the species barrier from animal hosts to humans.
Where did it come from?
COVID-19 was detected in Wuhan, China, on 29 December 2019. It is thought that the virus originated from a ‘wet market,’ which is a market where animals like bats are illegally sold.
A 61-year-old shopper at this wet market was the first person to die of COVID-19 and since then it has spread to over 150 countries around the world, with significant deaths in China itself, Italy, South Korea and Iran.
How is it transmitted?
Like the flu, COVID-19 is transmitted by direct contact, droplets and fomites (objects like clothes, utensils and furniture that can carry infection).
The coronavirus can also be passed along via excrement and invade the blood, according to research by Chinese scientists who found COVID-19 in the faeces and blood of the sample they tested.
Another research study conducted on those infected when visiting a mall found that the virus seems to have been transmitted indirectly, via touching contaminated surfaces, viral aerosolisation or coming in contact with infected people displaying no symptoms.
Can pests carry the COVID-19 virus?
While COVID-19 is a zoonotic virus, it’s important to note that there is no evidence it can be spread from vector pests such as fleas, mosquitos or flies.
Of course, if you have concerns about the transmission of other diseases from pests to humans, please get in touch with our team directly. We are more than happy to alleviate your fears regarding vector-borne diseases and their prevalence in common Australian domestic pests.
Alternatively, you can read this article on the many risks associated with pests in a domestic setting.
What special precautions should you take?
The status of the COVID-19 outbreak in Australia is changing by the hour, which means you should refer to the website for up to date information as to lockdown procedures and restrictions on movement.
As far as taking special precautions around the home though, the following measures have been advised to reduce your chance of spreading and or contracting the virus:
- Wash your hands regularly with soap and water, and carry an alcohol-based hand sanitiser with you when travelling
- Avoid touching your face, eyes, ears, nose or mouth with your hands
- Do not shake hands, hug or kiss as a form of greeting or goodbye
- Sneeze into the crook of your elbow or into a disposable tissue and discard immediately after use
- Regularly wipe down frequently used surfaces in your home or at the workplace
Keep a safe distance of approximately 1 metre between yourself and anyone who is coughing or sneezing
What are some of the symptoms?
Patients infected by COVID-19 have reported a broad variety of symptoms that range from mild to severe. Some of these symptoms include:
- High fever
- Dry cough
- Shortness of breath
- Mild aches and pains
- Runny nose or congestions
- Sore throat
- Diarrhoea
For many people, these symptoms appear between a couple of days and as long as 14 days after exposure. Others have been infected but don’t develop any symptoms or even feel ill. Older people and those with underlying cardiovascular and respiratory illnesses or diabetes are more likely to exhibit serious symptoms.
How do I know if I am infected?
According to an analysis of publicly available data by John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, COVID-19 has about a five day incubation period from exposure to symptoms beginning.
This means that knowing whether or not you are infected with COVID-19 can be difficult, which is part of the reason why such extraordinary measures have been taken in an effort to contain its spread.
If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms and suspect that you may have been infected, it’s imperative that you self-isolate, contact your local healthcare professional and request urgent medical attention. Your doctor will then tell you if you need to be tested.
If you go on to experience serious symptoms such as difficulty breathing, call 000 immediately.
5 Tips for surviving a lockdown situation
Australia has commenced the shutting down of non-essential services. This means that pubs, gyms, clubs, houses of worship and even beaches are now off-limits.
To ensure that you not only survive but thrive during these difficult times, here are 5 tips for staying happy at home courtesy of the team at Competitive Pest Services.
1. Exercise
There is a mountain of scientific evidence to support the claim that exercise is just as beneficial for your waistline as it is for your grey matter. Therefore at least some form of indoor physical activity should be encouraged. Our advice is to follow some workout routines on YouTube or download a fitness app and then turn your lounge room into an at-home gym.
2. Switch off from Social Media
The sheer amount of information available on the COVID-19 pandemic is overwhelming. The truth is though that you don’t need all of it, and you especially don’t need the type of sensationalised information that’s widely spread on social media. Try setting a schedule for when you will browse Instagram or Facebook and stick to it. Your nerves will be all the better for it.
3. Speak with friends regularly
Social contact is an important factor in keeping some normality in your life. This doesn’t mean reaching out to friends and family via instant messages or text either. Calling via Skype or Facetime is preferable since it somewhat simulates that same type of face to face contact you would have if you were to meet someone out and about.
4. Stay away from the booze
It can be tempting to use alcohol as a coping mechanism, but beer and wine are poor substitutes for things such as meditation, reading, exercise and socialising when it comes to managing your mental wellbeing. Of course, the odd drink here and there shouldn’t be discouraged. But excessive binging out of boredom is guaranteed to make the lockdown much harder to handle.
5. Stay positive
There will come a time when all of this is over and we can enjoy the many freedoms that we have become accustomed to once again. Our shores will be crowded with eager beachgoers, restaurants will be full to the brim and nature will take on a whole new appeal. Not to mention we will also be reminded of the value of good hygiene, which is also a fundamental factor in preventing pest invasions.
How are we helping our customers?
Competitive Pest Services is an award-winning pest management company that prides itself of exceptional hygiene and professional customer support. As such, we will be doing everything in our power to assist valued customers such as yourself during this trying time. This includes implementing the following measures:
- Face masks have been provided to all technical staff and will be used at all times when on residential and commercial customers premises
- Disposable gloves are already used at all times on clients premises, however, will now be changed after the completion of pesticide treatment, and before writing any paperwork and finishing off the service
- Handshakes have been removed from our onsite greeting and farewell with clients until further notice
- Hand sanitiser is in place on all desks at Competitive Pest Services offices
- Extra hand sanitiser will be distributed for our technical team
- Remote working will commence until 30 April for some of our administration team
- CPS administration teams will be asking all clients at the time of booking if anyone is showing flu-like symptoms in the home
- CPS administration teams will be asking all clients at the time of booking if anyone in the home has visited Iran, China, Italy, South Korea, Japan, Germany, Spain or France in the past 14 days
- Technicians will ask all clients before entering customers home if anyone is showing flu-like symptoms inside
- Weekly disinfectant treatments of Competitive Pest Services offices
- Weekly wipe down with Dettol wipes of all CPS vehicles
- Service meetings will not take place for March and April
We apologise in advance if these precautionary measures seem over the top, however, I share with you that Competitive Pest Services has many aged care facilities as clients, and it’s imperative that we follow the directives above – not just for our team and our customers’ safety, but also so we do not inadvertently bring COVID-19 into an aged care facility.
Call 1300 766 614 for more information regarding our operating hours and best-hygiene practices
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SEE HOW IT WORKSWith Competitive Pest Control Services you’ll never have to worry about paying for a job that hasn’t been done.
If you’re not satisfied with our services, we’ll not only give you your money back, we’ll return it to you twofold. That’s right: you’ll not only receive a full refund, we’ll also pay to have your pest problem sorted by our competition.*
We’re always trying to raise the standard of service, it’s one of the reasons we were name Australian Pest Manager of the Year four times in the past six years. When you employ our services, you know your pest problem will soon be a distant memory. What could be more satisfying than that?
*Please contact us to hear more about our 200% Money Back Guarantee - as due to issues sometimes outside our control, not all services may be covered by this offer.