COVID-19 Precautionary Measures
CPS: Coronavirus (COVID-19) Health Alert
Given the developing situation with the Coronavirus (COVID-19), I wanted to reach out to all of you with some extra precautionary measures that we’re putting in place at Competitive Pest Services to protect our team, customers and the community at large:
• Face Masks have been provided to all technical staff and will be used at all times when on residential and commercial customers premises
• Disposable gloves are already used at all times on a clients premises, however will now be changed after completion of pesticide treatment, and before writing any paperwork and finishing off the service
• Handshakes have been removed from our onsite greeting and farewell with clients until further notice
• Hand Sanitiser is in place on all desks at Competitive Pest Services offices
• Extra Hand sanitiser will be distributed for our technical team
• Remote working will commence until 30 April for some of our Administration team
• CPS Administration teams will be asking all clients at time of booking if anyone is showing flu like symptoms in the home
• CPS Administration teams will be asking all clients at time of booking if anyone in the home has visited Iran, China, Italy, South Korea, Japan, Germany, Spain, France in the past 14 days
• Technicians will ask all clients before entering customers home if anyone is showing flu like symptoms inside
• Weekly disinfectant treatments of Competitive Pest Services offices
• Weekly wipe down with Dettol wipes of all CPS vehicle
• Service Meetings will not take place for March and April.
We apologise in advance to some that may seem these precautionary measures over the top, however I share with you that Competitive Pest Services has many aged care facilities as clients, and it’s imperative that we adopt the above – not just for our team and customers safety, but also so we do not inadvertently bring COVID-19 into an aged care facility.
By following the measures above, the chance of transmission of any virus is almost nil for Competitive Pest Services technicians visiting clients premises.
Furthermore, we have asked all our team to remember the importance of monitoring their own health and that if they feel unwell or are showing signs of illness, that they are to remain at home.
We’ll continue to monitor the situation and act upon Government health and workplace advice and be sure to keep you updated with any further developments.
Of course we’re still open for business, so we continue to operate as normal, just with some extra protection for you and your families.
Please do reach out to me directly if you have any questions regarding this email.
Wishing you the best of health,

SEE HOW IT WORKSWith Competitive Pest Control Services you’ll never have to worry about paying for a job that hasn’t been done.
If you’re not satisfied with our services, we’ll not only give you your money back, we’ll return it to you twofold. That’s right: you’ll not only receive a full refund, we’ll also pay to have your pest problem sorted by our competition.*
We’re always trying to raise the standard of service, it’s one of the reasons we were name Australian Pest Manager of the Year four times in the past six years. When you employ our services, you know your pest problem will soon be a distant memory. What could be more satisfying than that?
*Please contact us to hear more about our 200% Money Back Guarantee - as due to issues sometimes outside our control, not all services may be covered by this offer.