How effective are electronic pest control devices?
Many people want to reduce the impact of pest control on the environment by using fewer chemicals and pesticides which can have an effect on non-target animals. The issue of pesticidal resistance is also leading people to consider alternate ways to control pests. Advances in technology have benefitted so many areas of our lives and pest control is no exception, some devices which use light to attract insects are well established, other less common devices have less proven results. The idea of setting up electronic equipment to do the work for you is enough to make some people try anything. Ultrasonic electronic pest and insect repellent devices claim that their high-frequency soundwaves are intolerable to rodents and insects. But how effective are they? In many cases one of these devices most likely will not end your pest problems. It is important to understand exactly what these devices can do before investing in one and see which pests they can help with
Which pests do electronic pest control devices help with and what different types of electronic devices are there?
They are promoted as ways in which to repel spiders, some other insects, and rodents from your property. There are 2 different major types of these electronic pest control devices and they work somewhat differently.
Ultrasonic devices
Ultrasonic devices operate through emitting short wavelength, high frequency sound waves that are too high in pitch to be heard by the human Some animals, such as bats, dogs, and rodents, can hear well into the ultrasonic range. Some insects, such as grasshoppers and locusts, can detect frequencies from 50,000 Hz to 100,000 Hz,
Radio wave devices
These devices use radio wave (RW) or radio frequency (RF). RF energy creates heat through agitating water molecules, it generates heat through ionic conduction and agitation of free water molecules in insects. The result of this is more thermal energy is converted in insects repelling them.
How do these devices work?
With ultrasound devices the sound is supposedly meant to cause a physiological response known as audiogenic seizure response, which is supposed to cause non-directional running, convulsions, and possibly death from cerebral hemorrhage to pests.
As for the radio wave devices like I mentioned prior work by heating up the pests to kill or repel them, this works especially well in business that work with produce as it can kill pests without chemicals from traditional pesticides effecting produce.
Are there any safety concerns?
Safety concerns have arisen, too; some users of these devices have reported that the sound can have a negative result on the clarity of telephone conversations, as well as interfere with alarm systems, and cause muting in hearing aids. There are also a few ethical concerns for house pets potentially or other pests you may not be trying to effect, the noise can also cause inadvertent distress to rabbits and rodent pets, such as guinea pigs and hamsters. Cats and dogs can hear in the ultrasonic range, but they appear not to be bothered by the noise emitted by these devices.
What are the negatives of using these electronic devices
The effectiveness of these devices are often called into question, there was a multimillion dollar lawsuit involving one of these devices after finding footage and pictures of mice resting comfortably beneath these devices and some even on top of them! Another negative to consider is that in a lot of cases this will be like putting a plaster over a wound, it’ll only be a temporary fix, some pests may be repelled but they will not be properly dealt with in the same way traditional pest control methods would allow.
I am set on using an Electronic Pest Control Device what should I know?
If you are dead set on having one of these devices, it is important to know the following:
Have Realistic Expectations
Even the research that shows the success of these ultrasonic pest control devices show a small percentage of decrease in pests. Instead of a total elimination of rodent and insect pests.
Expect Diminishing Returns
Pests such as rodents become used to these sounds from ultrasonic devices over a period of time, so results may only be very temporary before the pests become accustomed.
Device Location
Soundwaves from ultrasonic pest control devices are short-range and very weak, so they’re easily blocked by walls, furniture etc. To test out the location and range of your device, place a light near to the device, and turn off all other lights, and watch the beams and shadows from the light. The repellent sound waves will effectively only be active where the light reaches.
What alternatives are there?
From fumigation to sterilization to installation it is important to discuss your pest control options with your local Competitive Pest Services crew before trying to handle the situation yourself. That way you can be sure that your pest problem will be dealt with efficiently and professionally before any more harm can come to your home or business
Explore pest control options with CPS today – phone 1300 766 614

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