6 Tips for Controlling Fleas
Controlling fleas is difficult, but there are a variety of steps people can take to minimise their presence.
How to get Rid of Fleas in Homes?
Fleas attack a range of mammals, including humans, where they can cause serious skin irritation. Pets with fleas can experience fur loss from excess scratching, which can then lead to tapeworms.
95% of the flea population is pre-adult. Larvae develop in carpet, bedding and even floor cracks and it can be extremely hard to kill all stages of the flea’s life cycle to get rid of them once and for all.
The key to successfully treating fleas is doing good prep work before the treatment is applied. Follow these tips:
1. Clothes and other loose items should be removed from the floors.
2. The home should be vacuumed thoroughly.
3. All hard floors should be mopped.
4. Pet bedding should be washed in hot water and pets should be bathed.
5. Fish tanks should be covered and pumps unplugged.
6. Lawns should be trimmed and outside areas should be cleared of clutter.
If these steps are taken, any chemical treatment is likely to be much more effective. Experts will usually apply a growth inhibiting chemical that can be customised to the needs of the particular home and treatment required.
Source: http://www.mypmp.net/2013/03/29/central-life-sciences-fleas-and-ticks/

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