Family Sues Rental Company $1.5M After Reported Bed Bug Infestation
The Teel-Hainey family from Jacksonville, Florida filed a lawsuit for $1.5 million after they rented a bed that was infested with bed bugs.
After moving into their dream home with their children, the couple rented “preleased” beds from Aaron’s Rental Company in December. Soon after, their children became sick. Ointments and creams didn’t seem to help until two months ago, she spotted a bed bug on the wall, followed by more bed bugs and their eggs behind built-in drawers under her son’s mattress.
Aaron’s workers removed a plastic-wrapped bed hours later, but the problem still remains. The family had to throw out all their furniture and clothes. What wasn’t thrown away is now in plastic bags.
Attorney Eric Jones said the only remedy is too expensive for this family, therefore they have filed for a $1.5 million lawsuit against Aaron’s. The couple has now put a hold to their wedding plans, which was intended to be held in their backyard. “I don’t want any other family to go through this,” Teel said.

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