5 Ways to keep germ free
1. Try not to share
When someone you are close to is sick or you are feeling early symptoms of sickness, it is important to avoid infecting others with not only a cough or sneeze, but through germs on things you touch and your belongings. When Ill the best thing you can do in a close environment like an office is regularly sanitize your desk and make sure you are not shaking hands with colleagues or loved ones after sneezing into your hands for example.
2. Distance is vital
When you start to feel the symptoms of sickness it is important to keep your distance from the people around you to protect them from also getting sick as well. By avoiding contact with those who are sick, you lessen your chances of becoming sick yourself, the flu can spread between people up to about five feet away. If you are in a small office block for example without the option of distancing yourself, air conditioning can help with recycling air and stopping stagnant air which may increase the chance of sickness.
3. Do not touch your face
One way of getting a virus such as the flu or other sicknesses is by the germs getting passed from your hands (which are most likely the culprits for carrying the disease) up to your mouth or the nose, then down into the lungs. Cold viruses can live on services for up to 3 hours and flu viruses can last up to a staggering 8 hours on some surfaces. Because of this it is vital you limit contact with your mouth and nose unless your hands have been recently washed.
4. Wash hands for at least twenty seconds.
The best way to avoid catching an illness is by frequent hand washing. Germs are everywhere, and as we go through our day-to-day exchanges, we’re interacting with those germs as well. When you wash your hands, use soap and water to protect yourself and to stop the germs from spread
ing to others. Wash your hands before and after you eat, after you use the bathroom, and after you sneeze or blow your nose. We recommend washing your hands for at least 20 seconds or using hand sanitizer, applying the soap or sanitizer all over the hands in between fingers and around thumbs which are sometimes missed.
5. Stay at home.
While sick, it is very important to limit interactions or physical contact with others around you as much as possible to keep them from also falling ill. It is recommended that those who are sick with flu-like illness, should be staying home for at least 24 hours after the fever is gone unless it is to get medical care. Though you may be fine after the illness there are many vulnerable people with compromised immune systems who may not be as lucky and may take longer to recover or may even die depending on the condition.
When to get professional disinfection
Pests can carry lots of disease as we know and unfortunately when they have been left in an area for a while without any interception, the areas usually become highly contaminated and real hotbeds for disease, it is in cases such as this where disinfection is vital, with professional help you can stop bacteria and viruses in its tracks
Prevention is the best cure
Whilst we know human to human transmissions of disease are sometimes hard to control, pest to human transmissions can be even harder to deal with, if you are able to cut out pests and unsanitary environments with sanitization and disinfection, the chances of scabies and other nasty illnesses lowers. Business effected by illnesses that erupt in their workspaces lose millions of dollars each year. These losses can be eliminated by making sure the work environment is properly disinfected.
Protect yourself and others using our disinfection services with CPS today – phone 1300 766 614

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