How do pest control get rid of rats?
Rats are a gigantic problem throughout the world, tearing business and properties apart, making them unsanitary places wherever they infest, they can also spread lots of harmful disease. So how do we go about getting rid of them? Well there is a few ways to go about this. One of the most important things is knowing who to contact. It’s the role of external contractors such as ourselves to be fully up-to-date on the latest legislation changes in their area of expertise. Having a pest control company properly inspect your property is vital in eliminating the threat of rodents as what may work well in one property may not work the same in another, the volume of rats and lots of other factors have to be taken into professional consideration.
How has Covid-19 affected rat populations?
With many restaurants and business vacant in the wake of covid-19, rats in cities such as Sydney can roam freely and hunker down. Rats eat everything, often even eating each other when out of a food source. This may sound like a good thing as they will surely starve and die off but instead it’s likely they will stop having babies, the mortality rates will go up, and once cities are overrun with garbage again they will take back over the streets and properties.
Where do rats hide and live?
Rats can live and breed in more places then you may expect, some may even surprise you for example they will live in roof spaces, under floorboards or wall cavities. In gardens, they can burrow into grassy banks or under sheds. Any cardboard boxes or other packaging tucked away in store rooms can become an ideal nest for a rat to rear offspring.
How can you recognize the signs of a rat infestation?
Rats are always in search of warm, dry harbourages and new food sources, particularly during periods of inclement weather. Rodents are nocturnal and can be very difficult to spot in the daytime. A few key things to look out for are as follows:
⦁ Droppings: “Rats excrete about 40 dark, pellet-shaped droppings per day, which are up to 14mm long. These can be found often near entry points.
⦁ Smell and Sound: Rats have a very strong ammonia smell. On top of this they are often very noisy, making loud scrabbling and running noises as they move around the property.”
⦁ Damage: Rodents can chew through electrical cables, which is perhaps the most dangerous aspect of an infestation as it causes a fire hazard, while also being very difficult to spot. Gnaw marks, shredded paper and damage to storage containers are also common signs of rodent activity.
How you can prevent rats?
Any good pest control company will tell you the best way to begin controlling a rodent problem is by “proofing”, preventing the rats from accessing the places you don’t want them.
Covering any household waste that rats may be able to get access to is vital. It is important to keep your bin lids closed. Try and keep your bins out of direct sunlight as it will stop the smell of garbage and decrease the rate of decomposition which rodents and other pests are attracted to.
Checking for entry points in and around your property and outbuildings is highly recommended. Seal gaps around vulnerable areas such as pipes and under sheds. Even small holes you may think aren’t an issue can create easy access for pests. Rats can squeeze through amazingly small spaces even spaces the width of your thumb!
Cutting back tree branches that overhang buildings and other vegetation is a good way to defend against rodents on the roof and ceilings, covering drainpipes will also help.
Of course we don’t expect you to make your property airtight as that would get stuffy very quick, so a good solution to letting breeze in without the unwelcome guests would be screens on doors and windows to keep air flowing through your home or business. Citronella oil can be very useful when put on these screens and will provide an added layer of protection when it comes to keeping pests away.
When is it the right time to call for pest control?
Whilst there are store bought alternatives to helping fix a rat infestation often these DIY solutions fall short at solving the issue. These chemicals can be dangerous in the wrong hands and can even end up poisoning other wildlife or worse pets and small children. It is important to be aware also that now there are rats that are resistant to store bought poisons, where as pest control companies have poisons which cannot be accessed in a store.
It might not sound likely, but rats are actually very picky eaters and will be reluctant to eat from new and potentially dangerous sources, this caution and cleverness has allowed them to persist so successfully as pests. The professionals will be able to assess the time needed to offer bait and poisons and monitor how successful these are.
Failed DIY treatments can in a lot of cases make the situation worse, so it is important to always use a professional pest control company when dealing with a big issue such as a rat infestation.
Overcome rodent invasions today by booking a pest inspection with CPS today – phone 1300 766 614

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