9 cost-saving bird netting services
Birds certainly aren’t the most cringe pest you’ll encounter as a home or business owner, but they can certainly match any creepy crawly or rodent invader when it comes to racking up costly damages.
Since they can access hard to reach places, getting rid of them isn’t particularly easy either. That’s just one of the reasons you need someone well-versed in bird netting solutions in Australia.
Luckily for you, Competitive Pest Control offers both residential and commercial bird control solutions. Our methods are affordable, practical and safe to use in public areas. They’re also undertaken in a humane and responsible manner, which is great for those who are anti-bird netting.
If you’re sick and tired of putting your wellbeing at risk by continuously cleaning droppings or clearing out nests, our bird netting service will be a welcome relief. Make the right decision and get on top of your bird problem before it begins to shrink your profits or put your loved ones at risk. Your family, clients, employees and your wallet will thank you for it.
Bird Netting Strategies
Bird netting services that appease individuals and groups who are anti-bird netting AND save you money are possible. Check out the following residential and commercial bird control solutions that CPS currently provide.
1. Residential Bird Control Solutions
With over 25 years’ of bird control experience, we’re able to effectively rid your residential property of bothersome birds in a humane and cost-effective manner.
Our bird control experts will first visit your home to assess the problem. We’ll then suggest a residential bird control solution tailored to your situation. Want a bird control service that takes bird safety into account? Competitive Pest Services is the team for you. Some of our more popular flying pest and bird netting products for homeowners in Australia include:
⦁ Bird protection nets
⦁ Door mosquito
⦁ Window mosquito
⦁ Pigeon netting
⦁ Sparrow netting
⦁ Bird spikes
⦁ Terrace bird netting
⦁ AC bird net
⦁ Society bird netting
2. Commercial Bird Control Solutions
We understand your frustration when it comes to removing annoying avian species from your office, warehouse, store, shop or school.
It’s not easy to deter birds from moving onto your premises. Worse yet, it’s practically impossible for the everyday citizen to get rid of them responsibly and safely once they take roost or nest. Don’t wait any longer. Call us to book the following affordable commercial bird control solutions and save money in the long run:
⦁ The erecting of construction netting
⦁ Parking garage/lot bird netting and bird spikes
⦁ Warehouse and industrial building bird netting
⦁ AC bird netting
Pest Birds in Australia
Our bird netting services extend to all pest birds in Australia. The following species, however, are some of the most common types that our bird control services experts encounter.
I. Myna birds
Myna birds are an introduced species that were brought over from Southeast Asia. They have a habit of building nests in areas with high amounts of human activity, which makes them somewhat more obvious compared to other pest birds. Commonly found on the underside of bridges, ledges and awnings.
II. English starling
English starlings tend to settle and congregate in large flocks. This behaviour has two downsides. For one, they’re incredibly loud, which after a while can annoy even the most tolerant individual. Secondly, the sheer amount of droppings they leave behind is overwhelming. It goes without saying then that cleaning up after them is a length and costly process.
III. Sparrow
Not only do sparrows drive smaller native birds out of their territory, but they also prefer man-made structures over trees and bushes. This results in sparrows taking up residence on the exterior of homes, offices and warehouses… and sometimes within them. They’ve even been known to nest in electrical substations, which can lead to serious fire hazards.
IV. Pigeon
Pigeons are more or less habituated to humans. For this reason, they are prevalent in every major city in Australia. They deface homes and commercial buildings alike with their droppings, and their feathers, excrement and nesting materials can easily contaminate food supplies if they’re presence is left untreated.
V. Seagull
Seagulls are relatively benign on their own, but as a flock, they can be deadly. Many aviation crashes have been attributed to gulls. The accumulation of their droppings on promenades, park benches, seaside businesses and vehicles also renders them enough of a nuisance to earn pest status.
Diseases Associated with Birds
In addition to the many hazards posed by nesting, feeding and the general congregation of birds, they’re also prolific disease carriers. Some documented viruses that birds have been known to carry include:
⦁ Ornithosis – an influenza type virus
⦁ Salmonellosis – prevalent in over 90% of feral pigeons. Can cause headaches, nausea, diarrhea and a fever
⦁ Escherichia Coli – spread by gulls, the E. Coli bacterium can lead to hemorrhagic colitis, vomiting and cramps
⦁ Psittacosis – a serious strain closely related to pneumonia
⦁ Cryptococcosis – a lung infection that can lead to meningitis in extreme cases
Bird problems making your life miserable? Call CPS today on 1300 766 614 for bird netting solutions across Australia

SEE HOW IT WORKSWith Competitive Pest Control Services you’ll never have to worry about paying for a job that hasn’t been done.
If you’re not satisfied with our services, we’ll not only give you your money back, we’ll return it to you twofold. That’s right: you’ll not only receive a full refund, we’ll also pay to have your pest problem sorted by our competition.*
We’re always trying to raise the standard of service, it’s one of the reasons we were name Australian Pest Manager of the Year four times in the past six years. When you employ our services, you know your pest problem will soon be a distant memory. What could be more satisfying than that?
*Please contact us to hear more about our 200% Money Back Guarantee - as due to issues sometimes outside our control, not all services may be covered by this offer.