Why Cockroaches Love Sydney
The Cockroaches of Sydney:
As far as pest species in Sydney go, there are five different varieties of cockroach that mainly cause problems in the city. The worst type of cockroach is the German cockroach, followed by the Australian cockroach, Oriental cockroach, smokey-brown and American cockroach. However, since they’ve been on earth for all of 300 million years with a life cycle that can see them thriving for months at a time, you better believe that live cockroaches are tricky to eradicate without professional assistance.
Where do Cockroaches like to live?
German cockroaches are a pest species commonly found throughout the developed areas of Sydney – such as the C.B.D. Because we are now seeing more high density builds along existing train lines, cockroach infestations seem to be spreading. This has lead to more and more people searching for help in getting rid of cockroaches.
Nearly all types of cockroach enjoy living in humid and warm environments such as bathrooms, kitchens, roof voids, cracks and crevices and subfloors. Australian cockroaches, Oriental cockroaches, smokey-browns and American cockroaches are well known for being hardy insects that can go a whole month without food.
While cockroaches are believed to be “disease-ridden”, the chances of contracting a disease are quite low. Some see cockroaches as an indicator of poor hygiene, but that isn’t always the case – especially with German cockroaches. German cockroaches have evolved over millions of years to produce egg cases that can proffer 40 little ones. It is for this reason that excellent cockroach pest control is essential.
Just like ants, live cockroaches leave little chemical trails in their wake, and these trails are used to entice other cockroaches to follow them – this can result in a cockroach swarm and severe infestations within a building. You should always maintain proper hygiene plus keep food storage and preparation areas clean and tidy.
How to identify and get rid of Cockroaches?
There are a few ways you can identify a cockroach infestation in your home. If you suspect your home is under threat from this pest species, a thorough inspection by a pest control company should be booked. Areas to inspect include cracks and crevices, dishwashers, ovens, refrigerators, drawers, floors, kitchens and bathrooms. A cockroach glue trap can be used to confirm any cockroach activity and the degree of infestation.
Once an infestation is confirmed, live cockroaches can be managed by taking away any sources of food and water. A dehumidifier is useful as cockroaches like a humid environment – a dry and clean environment makes it harder for them to live and breed.
With over 300 million years’ worth of evolution under their belt, getting rid of cockroaches can be extremely difficult. This is where the services of a professional pest control service are recommended.
The most common type of cockroach and the most significant pest in Sydney is the German Cockroach.
They range in colour from tan through to dark brown and grow between 1.3cm to 1.6cm with two distinctive bands that run the length of their head. Besides the Oriental cockroach, which prefers cool places, most cockroaches love warm, humid environments such as kitchens and bathrooms. Familiar hiding places include microwaves, fridges, cracks and crevices, dishwashers, ovens, pantries and cupboards.
They breed quickly and can become a big problem in a short space of time. The female life cycle can go for as long as 6 months. During this life cycle, she lays one egg case at a time, with each egg case containing 40 babies. With a growth cycle of a month, it’s possible for a cockroach population to reach up to 1,000 within a year. They also breed faster in the summer which means that the warmer months can see cockroach infestations become more and more prevalent in homes.
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